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Omslagsbild för Mary's path: First book in the White Rose series
Isbn: 978-91-8057-201-9
Förlag: Books on Demand
Fantasy & SF Lättläst
Tillgänglig sedan: september 2022


Mary's path: First book in the White Rose series

Mary loves her life in the small shop in the capital. She and her friends spend their time exploring the city and Mary's father is teaching her how to manage the shop. Then the Sickness comes, and nothing will ever be the same again. Mary finds herself working in the kitchen of the castle. There she meets Zerden, and he becomes her salvation from the loneliness that is eating her alive. Mary also reconnects to her best childhood friend, Erik, and her life is once again starting to look a little happier. But as the Sickness once again threatens the city, Mary needs to fight against unrequited love, the risk of homelessness and a constant fear of not being good enough. When things look darker than ever before, there is a light in the darkness. But can Mary summon enough strength to reach for it? Or will she succumb to the darkness that surrounds her?

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